Speed Rummy App Download – New Rummy Speed ₹15 Register Now | TeenPatti Speed

Speed Rummy App Download – New Rummy Speed ₹15 Register Now | TeenPatti Speed

Speed Rummy APK: If you want to earn without investing money, then our article today is going to be very useful for you. Because today we are going to share Speed Rummy Apk 2022 in our article. Speed Rummy Apk is a Game Application. Where you are given some Games, you can win Online Money by playing.

In this Smartphone era, everyone likes to play games. Of course if you have a Mobile, you will also have a passion for playing the Game. If yes, you can also win Online Money by completing this hobby with Speed Rummy Apk Game. The entire process of downloading this app is given below. So let’s know –

About In Speed Rummy Apk, Rummy Speed, TeenPatti Speed, Rummy Speed App, Rummy Speed Game

Table of Contents

App Name :Rummy Speed
Publisher :Rummy Game
App Size :31.22 Mb
A version of the App :Latest
Sign Up Bonus :₹30
Speed Rummy Refer Code :10201158
RummySpeed Refer and Earn :Sign up for 30₹ and Up To 30% Refer + Weekly Bonus
Speed Rummy Apk
Download Speed Rummy Apk

Internet पर Online Games खेलकर Online Earning करने वाले कई Games App मौजूद है। उन्ही उन्ही Games apk में Speed Rummy Apk का नाम आता है। जो कि काफी काफी प्रचलित गेम एप्लीकेशन है।

 Speed Rummy Apk जिसे जुलाई 2022 में लांच किया गया है। और वर्तमान समय में इस एप्लीकेशन को इंटरनेट से मिलियन यूजर्स के द्वारा डाउनलोड किया जा चुका है।  जिससे पता चलता है कि Speed Rummy Apk कितना Popular और भरोसेमंद Game Application है।

Speed Rummy Apk जो User को Sign Up करने पर 39 रुपये के बोनस को उपलब्ध करवाता है। इस बोनस राशि का उपयोग करके ही आप Speed Rummy Apk में उपलब्ध Games को खेलकर पैसे जीत सकते है। So Friends अब अगर आप भी इस एप को Download करके पैसा कमाना चाहते है। तो हमारे इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक ध्यानपुर्वक पढ़ें। तो चलिए जानते है –

₹5000 Bonus Terms in Speed Rummy Apk

• This Offer is valid for the first deposit made by players on Color Rummy through online payment options only.

₹5000 Bonus Terms in Speed Rummy Apk

• Bonus Offer value: Up to 50% Bonus, maximum amount of ₹5000 when a player Adds Cash for the first time. E.g. 1: If you add ₹2000, the maximum bonus that you will be eligible for is ₹1000. E.g. 2: If you deposit ₹10000, the maximum bonus you will be eligible for is ₹5000

• Minimum cash to be added for availing the Bonus is ₹ 50. Maximum Bonus amount is ₹ 5000.

• Claim Period: The Bonus must be earned (disbursed) within 30 days of adding cash during the validity of the offer.

• Bonus release: For every 10 you cost,1 Bonus will be released into your deposit balance

• No additional chunks of ₹ 2000 Bonus will be added after the Claim Period.

• One Account: One player can have only one account on Color Rummy. If multiple accounts are detected, the entire bonus amount on all accounts will be canceled.

• KYC and Phone Number must be verified for unlocking bonus.

• Release bonus will be credited to deposit balance automatically.

• Bonus with earlier expiry date will be released first.

• The Terms of Color Rummy are applicable to all services offered on Color Rummy. Any violation of the Terms at any stage may result in disqualification from receiving the bonus and other action by Color Rummy as may be deemed necessary as per the Terms.

• The Offer may be withdrawn by Color Rummy at any time.

How To Download Speed Rummy Apk, Speed Rummy App, Speed Rummy APK Download, Speed Rummy Game

promotion btn 1

Speed Rummy Apk से अगर आप Game खेलकर पैसे कमाना चाहते है। तो इसे आपको अपने Mobile में Download करना होगा। इस एप को Download करना बेहद आसान है। नींचे हमने Speed Rummy Apk Download Button दिया है। जहां से क्लिक करके आप आसानी से अपने Smartphone में Download कर सकते है।

Read Also : Lucky Rummy App Download Earn Real Cash – New Rummy Lucky ₹40 Sign-Up Now

How To Sign Up in Speed Rummy Apk

How To Sign Up in Speed Rummy Apk

As we have told you above, Speed Rummy Apk gives 39 rupees to Sign up. Sign up on this app is quite easy. You can follow the following steps to Sign up.

Step1 – Speed Rummy Apk को ओपन करें।

Step2 – आपको नींचे Sign Up के Button पर Click करना होगा।

Step3 – mobile Number डालकर Next Button पर क्लिक करें।

Step4 – mobile Number पर एक OTP मिलेगा। उसे Box में डालकर Submit button पर Click करे।

Step5 – Submit Button पर क्लिक करते ही Sign Up हो जाएगा। और आपको 51 रुपये का Bonus राशि मिल जाएगा।

Available Games In Speed Rummy APK

Available Games In Speed Rummy APK

Speed Rummy Apk has not one of the different types. You can earn money by playing. The Games List is given below.

  1. ICC T20
  2. Dragon Vs Tiger
  3. Car Roulette
  4. 7 Up Down
  5. Zoo Roulette
  6. Ander Bahar
  7. Roulette
  8. CRASH
  9. Teen Patti 20-20
  10. Rummy
  11. Teen Patti
  12. Baccarat
  13. Black Jack
  14. Best Of Five
  15. Ludo
  16. Variation
  17. Poker
  18. 10 Cards
  19. 3 Card Poker
  20. Fishing Rush

Refer And Earn Program in Speed Rummy Game

Refer And Earn Program in Speed Rummy Game

You get an option of Refer and earn in this application. How many people do you join in this application under refer and earn features. If all the people or whatever referral plays the game by adding a payment to their account, then you receive a commission. The person you come to join if that person invests the amount of rupees in playing the game. And in some amounts, you get 30% commission of how much rupees are taxed. You will get this commission for a lifetime as long as the one you join will add money to your account and play the game.

How To Add Money In Speed Rummy Apk

In this app, you get a bonus of Rs 39 for signing up. Which you can use to play the Game. In addition, if you want more money ed. So, you can add money by entering UPI ID and UPI Pin. Then you can win money by playing any Game present in this app. You get the facility to add at least ₹10 payment in this application. Apart from this, you can add a maximum of ₹100000 payment at a time here. You get cashback of 1% to 5.5% in different amounts for adding payments here.

How To Cash Withdraw Speed Rummy Apk

If you have won money by playing the game with Speed Rummy Apk. You want to Transfer that money to your Bank Account. So you can Transfer by following the following steps.

Step1 – सबसे पहले आपको Speed Rummy Apk को open करना होगा।

Step2 – Open करने पर आपको Cash Withdrawal का विकल्प मिलेगा। उसके ऊपर क्लिक करे।

Step3 – अब आपको Bank Detail भरनी होगी।

Step4 – Now आपको Amount भरें।

Step5 – अब Transfer Button पर क्लिक करें।

Step6 – अब आपके Bank Account में पैसे आ चुके होंगे।

Feature Of Speed Rummy Apk, Speed Rummy Download, Rummy Speed, Rummy Speed APK, Rummy Speed App, Rummy Speed APK Download

Feature Of Speed Rummy Apk Speed Rummy Download Rummy Speed Rummy Speed APK Rummy Speed App Rummy Speed APK Download

Speed Rummy Apk Online Gaming करने Online Money जीतने के लिए काफी अच्छा Application है। काफी User इस एप पर Game खेलकर Online पैसे कमा रहे है। Speed Rummy Apk जो कि अपने Feature के कारण आज Gamer के बीच अपनी अलग पहचान बना चुका है। इस एप के Feature कुछ इस प्रकार है।

Play Game with Real People: you find millions of people online available all the time to play games in this application. Here you can play Teen Patti game rummy game Super Game casino game with any time people. You get to play games with different real people on different games.

Amazing offers: if you want to earn maximum income in this application, then here you get a lot of different offers from the company every month. You can get a lot of Free bonuses and free commissions by taking advantage of these offers here.

Free Bonus: you get a lot of Free bonuses here for playing free games. If you want to earn money by playing free games in this application then you can get a free bonus here. There are different features and offers here to get free bonuses.

Great Interface: the interface of this application is very wonderful. You will get a real gaming experience here. You can have a different experience of each and every feature in this application.

Refer And Earn Money: Speed Rummy Apk provides the Feature of Refer and Earn Money for its User. From where you can also earn money by sharing this app with your friends on Social Media.

Rs-39 Sign Up Bonus: Speed rummy gives users a bonus of Rs 39 to Sign up in Apk. This feature is being liked a lot by the User. You can get a bonus of Rs 39 by signing up on this app.

Cash withdrawal: by winning 100% Real Cash, you can Transfer to any Bank Account. This is quite a great feature of this app. Which is very much liked by the User.

Customer Support: the makers of Speed Rummy Apk have also given the Feature of Customer Support. So that the User can take any Help for any problem. For example, if you are having any trouble in adding Money or withdrawing Cash from here, then you can help from here.

What Is Share Option in SpeedRummy Apk

If you want to earn more and more money through this application. This application can earn more and more money by sharing on social media website besides people of their friends know-how. You get a commission of ₹80 for joining a referral in this application. Apart from this, you get a commission of ₹90 for joining other referrals. After this, all the people you join this application will receive ₹100 commission per referral. Here, the more people you join every month, the more income you will earn every month.

Collect VIP Bonus in RummySpeed

You get VIP bonus features to earn maximum income by playing games for free in this application. You can get a lot of Free bonuses under VIP bonus features here. You get Sign In Bonus weekly bonus monthly bonus and level bonus under VIP bonus features here. Here you can get a free bonus of thousands of rupees every month. If you want to get free bonus under VIP bonus features, then you first activate VIP membership account by recharging at least ₹500 in your account here.

How Can Get DAILY Bonus in RummySpeedAPk

There is another great features for you to get free bonuses. You get the daily bonus feature here, under which you can login to this application daily and get free bonus. If you want to get as many free bonuses as possible under the Daily Bonus Features, then here you must activate the account with the VIP number. Here, the more you activate the VIP member ship account plan, the more free bonuses you will receive here.

Complete Task And Get Rs-1299

Friends, if you want to get more free bonuses in this application, then here you get an offer. Under this offer, you can get a free bonus of ₹1299 here. Here you get three tasks. If you complete these three tasks, you get a free bonus of ₹1299.

Weekly Bonus

Friends, you get weekly bonus from the company in this application. If you earn money through the referral program in this application, then here you get a separate bonus from the company every week. Under the weekly bonus, you can get a free bonus ranging from ₹500 to ₹200000. Here you can transfer any bonus you will receive directly to your bank account.

Progress Bonus Feature

You receive 50% bonus separately under the progress bonus in this application. Progress bonus is available to all those users whose users invite more and more people to join by promoting this application here. Here you can earn separately through the progress bonus.

You get the facility to earn maximum income under the progress bonus here. We explain to you through an example how you will receive the progress bonus. Suppose you earned ₹5000 through Refer & Earn last week. Now you earn ₹10000 this week . Out of 10000, 5000 will be reduced here. From the 5000 you save in it, you will receive a progress bonus of 50%. That is, here you get a free bonus of ₹2500 under the progress bonus.You can also transfer the progress bonus directly to your account.

ICC MEN’S T20 Earning Tricks in Rummy Speed App

If you are fond of cricket games then you can earn money through cricket here. Here you get the facility to earn money by Betting in the ICC t20 World Cup. You can play on your favorite team here. If your favorite team wins, you get double the money here. Here you are allowed to place bets ranging from ₹200 to ₹10000 in each team.

 Customer Support in Speed Rummy Apk

Customer Support in Speed Rummy Apk

If you have any problem in this application then you can talk to the customer support officer. On the home page of this application, you get a customer support option where you can talk to the direct customer care officer and solve your problem.

Disclaimer: this game involves financial risk. You may get addicted to this game. Therefore, all of you are requested to play this game on your own responsibility and at your own risk.

FAQs for the Speed Rummy APK

Q.1. What number of games are available in Rummy Speed App?

  • Ans. There are 13 different games available within the Speed Rummy APK.

Q.2. What is the Rummy Speed App’s sign-up bonus?

  • Ans. In the Android version of Speed Rummy App, the answer is ₹510, which is the bonus.

Q.3. What is the lowest amount I may withdraw from the Speed Rummy app?

  • Ans. In order to make a withdrawal, you’ll need at least ₹100.

Q.4. How Can I Get The Speed Rummy APK?

  • Ans. To get the app, just hit the download button down here.


Today we have shared Speed Rummy Apk through our article. I Hope you have downloaded this app. If you are having any trouble downloading this app or you have to know about any other information related to this app, then you can ask us by commenting. We will join you soon and help you fully.